Create files and directories - Help | RubyMine

Class: File (Ruby 2.5.0) Converts a pathname to an absolute pathname. Relative paths are referenced from the current working directory of the process unless dir_string is given, in which case it will be used as the starting point. The given pathname may start with a “~'', which expands to the process owner's home directory (the environment variable HOME must be set correctly). “~user'' expands to the named user's Ruby Dir: How to Use Dir Function to Manipulate and Dir.mkdir ("NewCompany", 755) In this example, the mask 755 set privileges owner, group, world to rwxr-xr-x where r= read, w=write and x=execute. Dir.entries (argument) This command accepts a directory as an argument and returns an array of files in the specified directory as strings. Ruby: Reading and Writing Files | Codecademy

Get names of all files from a folder with Ruby - Stack

Jul 09, 2018 directory resource - Chef

Jan 09, 2007

Sep 24, 2019 Ruby File Open: Opening a File in Ruby with Different Opening a File in Ruby. In this tutorial, we’ll tell you how to open an existing file in Ruby. This is the most basic operation required for any file manipulation. To open an existing file, you can use the method. This method can also be used to create a file object and assign it to a file. How to create a directory or folder - Computer Hope