Well-Known TCP/IP Port Numbers, Service Names & Protocols

networking - What is the fastest way to transfer files rsync optionally compresses its data. That typically makes the transfer go much faster. See rsync -z.. You didn't mention scp, but scp -C also compresses.. Do note that compression might make the transfer go faster or slower, depending upon the speed of your CPU and of your network link. (Slower links and faster CPU make compression a good idea; faster links and slower CPU make compression a TCP/UDP port numbers (/etc/services) - Linux tutorial from Quick reference guide - TCP / UDP ports /etc/services. Google Ads. Third party cookies may be stored when visiting this site. Please # webster 765/tcp # Network dictionary webster 765/udp rsync 873/tcp rsync 873/udp ftps-data 989/tcp # FTP over SSL (data) ftps 990/tcp telnets 992/tcp # Telnet over SSL telnets 992/udp imaps 993/tcp # IMAP

A simple rsync script to back up your home directory

»NFS. In some cases the default shared folder implementations (such as VirtualBox shared folders) have high performance penalties. If you are seeing less than ideal performance with synced folders, NFS can offer a solution. Vagrant has built-in support to orchestrate the configuration of the NFS server on the host and guest for you. Everything Linux - A Tutorial on Using Rsync Rsync is a wonderful little utility that's amazingly easy to set up on your machines. Rather than have a scripted FTP session, or some other form of file transfer script -- rsync copies only the diffs of files that have actually changed, compressed and through ssh if you want to for security. That's a mouthful -- but what it means is:

Basic usage of rsync is here. If you'd like to set rsync automatically by cron or others, it need to configure like follows because authentication is required without settings. For example, Copy files or directories under the [/root/work] on dlp.srv.world to [/home/backup] on www.srv.world.

Check the rsync manpage for the H, R, S, e, x, and z options, as well as the long options --exclude, --delete-after, and --delete-during for more information. Using the script rsync - Wikipedia rsync は、UNIXシステムにおいて、差分符号化を使ってデータ転送量を最小化し、遠隔地間のファイルやディレクトリの同期を行うアプリケーションソフトウェアである。 類似のプログラムやプロトコルにはない rsync 独自の特徴として、ミラーサイトとの転送が双方向に高々1回で済む点がある。 networking - Does rsync over ssh require use of UDP? - Ask I have a remote rsync backup to a server running over ssh, using NAT to specify a non-standard high numbered port on the router. Is it ok to only open the port on the router, and the ssh port on the server, to TCP connections, or is use of UDP required?